Computer Animation

Basic information

Course code(s)

  • CSES806 - for undergraduate studies from 2013 until 2017
  • F18L3S113 - for undergraduate studies from 2018


Computer Graphics (F18L2S114) or Human-computer interaction design (F18L3S010)

Course overview

Computer animation is a design-oriented course that introduces the basics of general purpose 3D software.

Instructor information

Course goals

The course is an introduction into computer animation. It teaches basic techniques for creating 3D computer animations.

Technical requirements and software

  • A computer with good performance is desirable. Preferably with a good discrete GPU (NVidia or AMD).
  • Autodesk Maya - preferred 3D software, an industry standard. To obtain in for learning purposes, please apply for a student account on the official Autodesk site here.

Course structure

The lectures and exercises and thought together, in an interactive way. The laboratory exercises are on a weekly basis.

The syllabus is structured as follows:

  1. Introduction, history and overview of the field.
  2. Introduction to the 3D environment, basic concepts and interface overview.
  3. Concepts of 3D modeling. Polygonal, NURBS and subdivision modeling. UV coordinates.
  4. Deformations and rigging.
  5. Animation.
  6. Materials and textures.
  7. Lightning and camera.
  8. Rendering and compositing
  9. Scripting and the 3D pipeline.

The full syllabus is available at:

Grading and assessments

The course is oriented towards independent working. You must attend the laboratory exercises to be able to complete the course. Only one absence from the laboratory exercises is tolerated.

The final grade is calculated as follows:

  • laboratory exercises (20%) - presented weekly.
  • homework assignments (20%) - 2 homeworks during the semester.
  • midterm (1st partial) exam (20%) - done once in the middle of the semester.
  • project work (40%) - agreed with the teachers. It can be submitted in one of the three exam sessions. Accordingly there is a penalty for each following session:
    • up to 100% if finished in the 1st exam session (June/July). Translates up to 40% percent of the total points.
    • up to 90% if finished in the 2nd exam session (August/September). Translates up to 36% of the total points.
    • up to 75% if finished in the 3rd exam session (January/February). Translates up to 30% of the total points.

The project is mandatory and students can not pass the course without submitting it.

Course materials

Recomended reading

  • Computer Animation: algorithms and techniquies (3rd edition) - Rick Perent ( amazon)
  • Real-Time Rendering (4th edition) by Tomas Akenine-Möller, Eric Haines, Naty Hoffman, Angelo Pesce, Michał Iwanicki, and Sébastien Hillaire ( amazon)
  • The Animator’s Survival Kit: A Manual of Methods, Principles and Formulas for Classical, Computer, Games, Stop Motion and Internet Animators by Richard Williams ( amazon)